Barn Lust and Housekeeping Notes!

Thank you so much to everyone that has contacted me since I changed over my blog from "Blogger" To "SquareSpace".  Not that you need to know the details ... But I have received a number of comments about no longer being able to receive my blog post by email or not being able to comment.

Just so this isn't a terribly boring blog post I thought I'd share it with my Desire to Own A Barn!

Perhaps I might just set my sights inside!  This is my statement for creating a new environment. Both technically and personally!

Here's the tutorial ... oh how fun!!  But I so appreciate your following and your comments that this is very important to me!!

Take a look on my side bar ... there is now a location to sign up for emails ... so please ... SignUp!!

And then, if you haven't been able to comment, SquareSpace has told me that you might have an "outdated" browser.  Maybe that is like wearing neon colors and a headband right now.  I have no idea.  

If you go here ... you can update your browser and then can comment.

I have to tell you that this is all quite a learning curve for me.  What I love is that you still want to hear from me and if this helps I am Super Thrilled!!

So thanks for helping me think outside my little world and try to open it up ... Whether technological or seeing my Barn realized in a whole different manner ... Here's to a more open 2015!

Making the World More Beautiful.  One Room at a Time.

All Images via Boston Globe.



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